• Bathroom Equipment
  • Coatings
  • Construction Finishings
  • Exhibition
  • Tile Industry
The 40th anniversary of an event that marks the history of ceramics in Spain
Project Overview

Cevisama has established itself as a global reference point for design, innovation, and technology, contributing significantly to the history and influence of both the Spanish and worldwide ceramic industry.

At VXLAB, we have been involved in this project for over 5 years, leading the brand strategy of Cevisama. It is an honor for us to be part of this anniversary celebration in February, commemorating 40 years of history and evolution.

Cevisama 2024

Technology, color, digital universes, and innovation have been the key elements that have driven the development of the visual universe created for Cevisama 24. A universe characterized by gradients and complemented by straight and volumetric forms that directly immerse us into the world of architecture.

The cubic structure accompanied by grids and technical spaces is not only observed in the physical  imagery but also found in the design structures of its digital spaces, thus creating a coherent and cohesive visual universe across all areas.

The Origin of innovation

Through the empowering phrase ‘The Origin of Innovation,’ Cevisama 2024 positions itself not only as a place that gathers innovation and trends but as the place where that innovation originates.

4 key Spaces for Cevisama

Cevisama’s experiential proposal includes four specific zones addressing different concepts related to contemporary architecture and interior design. To achieve this, the brand needed to expand and encompass under its umbrella 4 spaces with their distinct and identifiable universes.

Cevisama’s strategy proposes an annual renewal of visual universes. In this way, we managed to create the expectation among the community to witness the new Cevisama image during the same event. This has been consolidated over the years and is now one of the traditions incorporated into the brand.

Creating tradition is embedding the brand into people’s memories. There’s no more resilient strategy than creating an expectation among attendees, and fulfilling this expectation while managing to surprise year after year.